CFX Tags page

Register CFX tags

Extensions > CFX Tags

Register a CFX tag in ColdFusion

  1. In the CFX Tags page, do one of the following:



Tag Name

Enter the tag name (after the cfx_prefix). Provide a name for the CFX tag that you are registering.

Class Name

Enter the class name (without the .class extension) that implements the interface. The class file should be accessible from the Class Path setting on the JVM and Java Settings page. You typically package the .class file in a .jar file and save it in the cf_root/lib (server configuration) or cf_webapp_root/WEB-INF/cfusion/lib (J2EE configuration) directory.


Provide a message that identifies the use of this CFX tag.




Tag Name

Provide a name for the CFX tag that you are registering. Tag names must be prefixed with cfx_.

Server Library (.dll)

Enter the path to the library, or click Browse Server to locate the library that you want to use.


Enter the procedure that implements the CFX tag.  The procedure name must correspond with the procedure associated with the DLL or shared object you have specified. Notice that procedure names are case sensitive.

Keep Library Loaded

Select this option to retain the library in RAM.


In this text box, provide a message that identifies the use of this CFX tag.


  1. Click Submit to apply and save the CFX tag registration.


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