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Add or edit system probes

Debugging & Logging > System Probes

Define or edit a probe configuration

  1. In the ColdFusion Administrator navigation pane, click System Probes. The System Probes page appears.

  2. In the System Probes page, do one of the following:

  1. In the Add/Edit System Probe page, specify or edit the following settings:




Probe Name

Provide a name for the probe configuration.


Select the schedule for running this probe:

  • How often (hours, minutes, seconds) the probe verifies the availability of the URL resource.

  • The duration (start and end times) the probe runs to verify the URL resource.


Identifies the URL path that each probe is monitoring.

User Name

If the URL is a secured path, specify the user name.


If the URL is a secured path, specify the password.

Timeout (sec)

Specify the time, in seconds, to indicate how long the probe should wait before registering a failure.

Proxy Server

If this request must be routed through a proxy server, enter the URL and port number of that proxy server.


Port number of the proxy server.

Probe Failure

Select this option to identify the arguments used to test the URL resource.

Failure Actions

Specify one or both of the following actions to occur when detecting a failure:

  • Send an e-mail notification  Select to instruct ColdFusion to send an e-mail message when detecting a failure. ColdFusion uses the e-mail address specified on the System Probe page.

  • Execute the program  To run a program when the probe fails, specify the path and name of the program.


Select to write output results to a file.  


If the publish option is selected, specify the output filename.

Resolve URL

Select to maintain links to internal URLs remain intact.

  1. Click Submit to save and update the probe configurations listed on the System Probes page.
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